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Showing posts from November, 2012

Degu Versus the Couch

I had to rescue Claudia degu today. Rescue her from the great depths of the couch! Don't ask me how she did it, I haven't a clue. One minute she was squeezing between the back cushions and the next she disappeared in to the couch. That's right, actually inside the couch!

Adorable Degus 2013 Calendar Available Now!

At long last my 2013 degu calendar is now available to buy. It features 12 adorable photographs, thanks to my 3 girls, and is available from Redbubble.

Meet Myka and Claudielf the Degus

I thought it was about time I introduced you all to my degus now that they are coming up to 5 months old and I can finally tell them apart. The cheeky little madam above is Myka and was originally called Dora the Explorer in the first few weeks that the 'goos' were welcomed in to my home. She's still a little explorer and the only degu who will quite happily jump on you every time you open the cage door. She loves to sit on your shoulder and preen your ears! She's also the only degu with a full bushy tail.

Calendar Beach Scene Outtakes

The calendar is almost complete but I'm having a few lighting issues. The only room I have suitable to set the scenes for the photos gets around 2 hours of direct sun now that the days are getting shorter. I'm having to redo a few of the months too because they don't gel with some of the scene.