I suppose I have to be a little thankful that they waited until after Christmas to break their ramp. 9:15am approached, the usual time I prepare their food, and this is the sight I was welcomed with. The crime was committed sometime between 10pm on December 26 and 9:15am on December 27. Suspects were interrogated but nobody squeaked a confession.
Of all the ramps they choose to break they pick the one which connects the top section to the bottom section. Not that it seemed to be affecting them as Claudia magicked herself up to the top when I wasn't looking. She's going to have to stop watching David Copperfield repeats on the TV when I'm out!
I don't think I'm doing to that badly as a first time cage builder as this is the first true casualty thanks to the destruct-a-goos since I got them. There was an incident with the ramp on their cabin at the weekend but that was my fault. Oh, and I had an issue with Myka eating the edge of the MDF when the cage doors were open. She's stopped trying to eat it but I still need to repair the damage with some metal strip.
Not sure how it happened. My best guess is that someone either jumped on it with size 10 boots, or gnawing weakened it enough to make the inner metal core fall out of one end. Until I can figure out how to make a more structurally sound ramp I've replaced it with an identical one from elsewhere in the cage.
I have a staircase-like affair in mind. There's plenty of wood offcuts up in the loft and bamboo lying around to make one. The challenge is making one without metal or glue.
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