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Degus and the Toilet Roll Explosion

This morning I fed my goos around 9:15am like every morning. I filled their food bowls, gave them some fresh water and hay, and replaced their toilet roll. Yes, you read write. Thankfully they aren't suffering from some kind of degu toilet trouble. They just like to play with it.

I've rigged up a toilet roll dispenser from some jute string and a piece of bamboo which hangs from the underneath of the first level of the play area. Mrs F. loves to pull at it and run around like the Andrex puppy. Hours of entertainment, but I didn't expect to have a completely empty roll after a 2 hour shopping trip!

Normally it takes them at least a week to unravel it but somebody decided they'd wrap the whole roll around the flying saucer!

I can't quite believe it's been a month since I last posted so here's a quick update of what's been happening in the land of degu.

  • I still haven't managed to replace the wooden spinner of the flying saucer I made with a metal replacement. Market has had nothing, and everything else I've seen is just too pricey. Don't want to spend a fortune and then find I've made a major cock-up and have to throw it.
  • I've been using Fitch animal bedding after one of my girls started sneezing with Megazorb. I've been using it for about 3 weeks and so far things look good.
  • Claudielf is slowly getting herself out of the biggest huff ever known to degu history. It's lasted the best part of a week. I don't know why she's been in a strop but it can only be the result of cleaning the dirty bedding out of their grass house, removing the flying saucer every time she chews it, or because the local pet store has run out of the grain & cereal based degu food I'd been mixing with the standard pellets. She loves that stuff!

If it's none of the above then I haven't got a clue what's been yanking her chain!


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